10 Gifts To Brighten Your Fitness Junkie’s Day

Active sport woman with fitness equipments, Working out concept

Staying fit isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Not everyone likes waking up early in the morning to go out for a jog or pay for a monthly subscription to the gym to work out any time they want. But you have to understand that everyone doesn’t have the same mindset and that there are people out there who enjoy a morning run and needs to complete their day with hitting the gym. You might not be one but there are those who are. Chances are if they enjoy running and the gym, there are also other things that they would like or keep them motivated to stay on the path of exercising. Here are a few things that would spice up their fitness career and would help you out on the dilemma you’re having on what to get them.

1.      Stash Bottle

 Hydration is key when you’re exercising and also a necessity. You can’t expect yourself not to end up dehydrated when you’re pushing yourself to stay fit. But keeping water in your Hydrapak Stash Bottle isn’t just the beauty of this product. By the time that you’ve finished the content that it holds, this squishes down to two inches tall so it doesn’t take a lot of room in your bag or doesn’t demand to be carried around if you can’t fit it in. Who doesn’t want an innovative bottle like this?

2.      Rock Climbing Mug

Who’s to say that exercise only means hitting the gym or going for a run? There’s a wide variety of options when it comes to staying fit and maybe your friend chose rock climbing. Or maybe he’s simply just a big fan of it. Either way, if he is or if he isn’t, this mug is too cute to reject. Besides, you can work on that grip of yours while you’re having coffee. And if that doesn’t do the trick, hello, look at the cute colored handles! It’s bound to be a hit…or it’s bound to rock.

3.     Workout Cards

 So this might sound a little weird but trust me, your fitness pal might fall in love with it. Working out can get routinely boring sometimes. Variety is fun and that’s exactly what this product offers! Having a stack of workout cards will spice your pal’s work out session and keep things interesting so your friend could stay motivated and true to his fitness regime commitment.

4.     Resistance Band Set

With great resistance comes great power. Not exactly how that saying goes but your friend will surely get it. According to Google, resistance bands are simple but offer an effective way to working out without the weights. It’s travel-friendly, cost-effective and boosts your stamina, flexibility, the range of motion and more. Frankly, this is like a gift from the exercise gods.

5.     Headphones

Since the invention of headphones, it has become a blessing and not just to gym junkies but to every living human in this planet. You can never go wrong with wrapping this baby up and giving it as a gift. But you know what makes headphones even better? Wireless ones! It can be used for running, hiking, weight lifting- anything is possible with this and you won’t even have to worry about tangling yourself with the wire. Operated with Bluetooth so as long as you keep your phone near you and have an amazing Spotify playlist, you’re good to go!

6.     Cute Leggings

Just because you’re going to be sweaty doesn’t mean that you can’t at least look cute! Get yourself a pair of these cute and comfortable leggings that will tell everyone how stylish and fit you truly are. Besides, if you’re having an off day and you don’t want to work out, you can always remember that there are this really amazing leggings in your closet that’s dying to be seen by everyone else.

7.     VSL Hand Wraps

 Not everyone has realized this but boxing is a great way to lose weight. It builds up your stamina and helps you with cardio, has a killer leg workout and also teaches you how to defend yourself if you ever get mugged. If your friend has realized this and has fallen in love with this sport, a hand wrap will surely be the best gift you could offer. Especially if they’re cute and has superheroes on it because who isn’t a fan?

8.     Gym Bag

This is the most obvious gift you can think of. Getting your friend a gym bag would be the most obvious choice. Shoes, an extra shirt, towels, and even a yoga mat could be stash in this thing. One bag fits all, that’s this thing’s motto. Since he’s a fan of hitting the gym or is athletic, then obviously he already carries one around. But that doesn’t mean he can never have one too many of these things. Surely it will be something that he’s gotta appreciate.

9.     Portable Electric Shaker Bottle

Fitness doesn’t only mean sports and working out in the gym or running every morning. Diet is also key. Some people tend to make sure that they eat less and they eat healthily and they stay away from anything that will cause them fat. And then there are some who are a fan of protein shakes which would make this the most ideal gift for them. It’s rechargeable and portable which means they can bring it anywhere they are and make a shake wherever they’re at. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

10.    Customized Pins

 In lieu of the gym bag that you’re probably considering buying, take a look at these pins that will make a fashion statement and are budget-friends, an affordable gift that can spice it up. Customize pins will make the recipient of your gift think that you really thought of what to get him. Plus, you’re also going to have fun customizing it for him. Nothing says thoughtfully than a unique customize pins.


You can order or buy those things for you to keep if you’re a fitness junkie yourself and you can buy one for your friend too. Pretty sure those leggings would make for a cute twinning Instagrammable picture.

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